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The Brikchain
All the Briks, Blocks & Transactions.
The brikchain explorer: search all the briks, blocks and transactions

Search and explore the full chain of authenticated ecobricks, blocks and transactions that make up the brikcoin manual blockchain.

Our Brikchain is based on the ecological value of plastic sequestered out of the biosphere and out of industry. Every ecobrick that is authenticated on the GoBrik platform is permanently recorded on the Brikcoin Manual Blockchain. With each authentication, the corresponding value of sequestered plastic (AES plastic) is issued in brikcoins. Each issuance is made through a block of transactions that are recorded sequentially. This chain of blocks, transaction and ecobricks is fully searchable here.

Use the tools below to browse the Brikchain. You can also view our Open Books financial accounting. To learn how the combination of our financial and ecological accounting generates the price per Kg of AES sales see our offsetting page.

Live Brikcoin value:

97.05g AES

Current 2024 Price per 1 Kg AES plastic:
2.40 USD

Total Circulation:
368,823.41 BRK

Brikcoins (BRK / ß) are commodified in ecological value measured in kilograms of authenticated ecobrick sequestered plastic (AES).

ℹ️ AES Offsetting

3.23  $ USD per 1 Kg of AES Plastic

This is the current price for the sale of AES plastic offsets.

Authenticated Ecobricks

The archival chain of authenticated ecobricks. Updated every six hours with the latest confirmed authentications.

Data live

🟠 Historical Data pending transfer

Brik Authenticated AES Plastic Maker Value CO2e 🔎 Serial

Blocks & Transactions

The full chain transactions chronicling the generation, exchange, and destruction of brikcoins.

Data live & current

🔎 Transaction Issued Sender Recipient Type Block Shard Ecobrick

AES Plastic Valuations

Each year the value of 1 Kg of AES plastic is determined by the ecobricks authenticated in that year. The net weight of the authenticated plastic is divided by the GEA's expenses maintaining the blockchain (see the GEA's yearly Open Books financial accounting)

Brikcoin Data live

OpenBooks Accounting live

🟠 Ecobrick weight data estimated (pending archival transfer)

Year BRK Generated Calculated AES plastic GEA Year Expenses 1kg AES Value
2024 9,443.70 ß 944.37 Kg 15,169.61 $ USD 16.06 $ USD
2023 22,289.60 ß 2,228.96 Kg 7,207.14 $ USD 3.23 $ USD
2022 48,254.20 ß 4,825.42 Kg 8,142.13 $ USD 1.69 $ USD
2021 101,763.80 ß 10,176.38 Kg 7,797.88 $ USD 0.77 $ USD
2020 106,789.94 ß 10,678.99 Kg 10,390.00 $ USD 0.97 $ USD
2019 131,176.94 ß 6,004.53 Kg 16,963.44 $ USD 2.83 $ USD
2018 9,343.82 ß 934.38 Kg 458.36 $ USD 0.49 $ USD

Total Brikcoin Pool

Running and yearly totals of brikcoins generated, destroyed and in circulation.

Data live & current

FromToTotal BRK GeneratedTotal BRK DestroyedTotal Brikcoins
2018-08-032024-08-14429,062.00 ß60,238.59 kg368,823.41 ß

More Accounting!

Who said accounting is boring? We believe that accounting done right is far more than just financials. Every year we not only count our coins, but also the very species we host in our spaces. We also account for our give and take of plastic and CO2.

🟢 All our financial transaction are maintained in our Open Books accounting system.

🟢 Our ecological accounting is disclosed separately in our annual regenerative reports.

ecological accounting

Our accounting is grounded in the principles of Earthen Ethics. Learn more about our principles of financial and ecological energy management, ecological accounting and disclosure.

🚀 Our Principles

Our Accounting is guided by our regenerative principles