We’re excited to release the third version of the Vision Ecobrick Guide in both English and Indonesia this week! Originally launched four years ago in the Northern Philippines, the VEB Guide has come a long way. This latest version has been revamped from top to bottom to help Ecobrickers around the world train others to ecobrick. We’ve moved content around to address first and foremost the reasons „Why Ecobrick?“.
After hundreds of workshops and training sessions, we’ve realized that the once people are past The Big Illusions of Plastic, then they are most likely to continue ecobricking, and most importantly to change their consumption patterns. The guide thus provides clear visuals for trainers to engage discussions on the Realities of Plastic:
- Plastic is a symptom of a way of thinking
- All plastic goes back into the environment eventually
- Plastic is poison in the wrong place
And of course, the guide shows step by step how to ecobrick! The presentation then guides one down the path to ecobrick construction.
You can download your version of the guide today and share, print, project, copy, photocopy it all you want. Enjoy!