
Date: 11/07/2020
Type: Community Starter Workshop
Location: Pedong, Kalimpong, West Bengal
Trainer: Ashim Khawas
Participants: 10

This ecobrick starter workshop was held at
Pedong, Kalimpong district, West Bengal, India organised by Run With Roshni Foundation & Pedong Ko Serophero.

Due to pandemic of Covid – 19 we had to break this workshop into two days.
Day 1 :- 7th November 2020 (saturday)
Time :- 2:30 pm IST
Venue :- Pedong Community hall

The presentation on « plastics the environment & ecobricks » which went for 1 hrs where 44 participants were present.

Day 2 :- 8th November 2020
Time – 2 PM to 5 PM IST
Venue – Damsang Guest House, Pedong.

There were 10 number of participants.
It was fully practical session where the participant learnt about the way of cutting plastics, packing plastics, maintaining density & logging them at GoBrik account.

The preparation for this workshop was being planned a week ago with Miss. Roshni Rai, Founder of Run With Roshni Foundation. She herself was collecting and segregating plastics consumed from her household and suggested the other participants to do the same.
Projector and white screen were used for presentation.
The choice of venue was in such a way that Roshni Rai herself was so much excited to setup a Community hub for collecting and preparing ecobricks. So with this context the presentation was at Pedong community hall and the practical session was held at Damsang Gust house (Roshni Rai’s Residence).
With this the community hub is also setup over there for people of Pedong and surrounding areas.

While making ecobricks I shared summarized stories about Russell’s work, how he stared ecobricking the Igorot village , their life style and the ayyew principles.

Ae we were ecobricking, one of the participant stated that  » I am glad to say that the only good thing that happened to me in this pandemic 2020 is to make this ecobrick with a good community and is really reliefs stress from us » and that was felt by others too.
Also the community formed at Pedong has decided to ecobrick on weekly basis and the will be bringing thier friends too week after week and I will be giving presentation to the ones who comes for the 1st time at this hub.

With this I have also helped them to Signup for their GoBrik account and was successful on logging their personal ecobrick.

We were getting sort of plastics as it was just informed a week before but it got managed with the help of Penemit Lepcha, from my Ecobrick community who also falls from the near by areas. She contributed her segregated plastics for us.
For motivation, I suggested participants to use 200ml pet bottles and to cut plastics into smaller pieces for getting good density and to get satisfied from their 1st Ecobrick.
Thankfully all ecobricks were scaled under proper density.

My experience after conducting this workshop is that. It is very essential to create a community with hub if possible for long run.

I personally experience that the energy that radiates while making ecobrick with community is so positive and powerful then doing alone.


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