EarthDay Ecobricking in Bali

The class of Ibu Manis, English teacher at SKM3 Public School in Abiensmal, Depensar, Bali, Indonesia are leading the way!  They gathered on Earthday to pack their first ecobricks.  And, the first ecobricks of their school of 1800 students.  The other...

Calling for Bali Ecobricks!

Do you live on the island of Bali?  Ever wonder where your plastic goes?  Have you ever seen the masses of plastic in the gutter or on the beaches?  Now you can really do something about it.  We need your plastic!  That’ right– now there is a place to put...

Crowdsourcing our Indonesian Translation

  Crowd translation time! We’re now translating the Vision Ecobrick Guide to Bahasa Indonesian. If you happen to be fluent in both English and Indonesian (or know some people who are) check out this page (or share it!)– we’ve worked hard to set...