„What’s the big deal about plastic anyway? Why shouldn’t I just burn it in the ditch?“
After six months of hard work and field testing, the English version of our new booklet „Plastic, the Environment, & Ecobricks“ is released! The guide involves the contributions of a dozen artists, illustrators, translators to tackle the big question: „Why Ecobrick?“
To develop the presentation, we’ve taken the presentation out to dozens of schools and community groups in Indonesia to refine and streamline the logic and iconography. Currently, our team of 18 trainers are using the presentation to train thousands of bank sampah (Neighborhood Recycling Groups) members in Jogjakarta.
The presentation/booklet hits the big questions about plastic head on. It lays the ground for not only teaching how to Ecobrick, but most of all why it’s an awesome solution for plastic. Print the PDF as a booklet, or project as a powerpoint– this presentation is designed to spark discussion on the undiscussed realities of our plastic world..
Lead Authors: Russell Maier, Ani Himawati
Illustrations: El Tiburon Grande (Philippines), Jo Stodgel (U.S.A), Russell Maier (Canada), Astrid Gruber (Germany), Elena Molchanova (Trinidad)..
Photos: Alex Sattler Gaia-Images.com
Content Development: Russell Maier, Ani Himawati, Pak Ngurah,
Public Field testing: Agung Sutama, Pak Ngurah, Fabrice Gariques