Vision Ecobrick Guide Ecobricks have had a dramatic and viral effect in Mt. Province. So much so, that we’ve kept this document off the net until we were confident that we had a solid, full circle solution to share. After almost two years of focused development by our small team of basurero illustrators, builders, teachers, and administrators I am very proud to announce that it is at last posted and public.

There’s no password on the document now. Anyone, anywhere can download it and take advantage of our extensive trials and errors and insights in crafting Ecobricks as no-cost, no-politics, no-machine, youth powered solution to transcentding ‚trash‘. The doc distils complex issues into a simple booklet of 17 pages to guide the Ecobricking process right to the very root of pollution. It is crafted to be a comprehensive, imminently photocopiable and shareable resource for teachers and community leaders passionate about a pollution solution.

The VEB Guide is up on our brand-new site (thanks Steve Russo and Dan Rakey Master Millstein ) featuring the kickass illustrations of El Tiburón Grande and cultural integration by Nhe An . Thanks Kate White for the last round of proof reading! Thanks Ian Christie and Josephine Chan for the Photography. Thanks to all the students, schools and teachers in Mt. Province who have lead the way in their communities to develop this tremendously relevant global resource.

Check it out, give us some likes, and download your copy!