ボトルに詰めれば、 繰り返し何度でも
できるのです。 わたしたちの町と環境を
We’re super excited to announce the release of the Vision Ecobrick Guide in Japanese! A big thanks to Ai Igoto for her hard work and diligence translating the guide from English to Japanese. Ai, an avid scuba diver, is concerned about the amount of plastic waste from Japan that ends up in the ocean.
According to Ai, “I observe so much, just so much plastic in Japan. Although the practice of recycling is regulated per community, the awareness among the local people in general for the problems associated with plastics has a lot of room to improve.”
According to recent research, micro plastic concentrations are 27 times here off the Japanese coast than the world average. Ai believes that the creativity and meticulousness of the Japanese can maximize the potential of ecobricks and address this growing contamination that is already affecting the fish that is so part of the Japanese diet.
Ai says, “The lesson you can learn by working with the Vision Ecobrick Guide is so much more than collecting plastics and building things with them. That’s exactly why I want to spread the ecobricks.”
Ai worked hard to not only translate the guide but add stats and resource from Japan to the guide. “Having the guide in the local language, however, is crucial as the majority of the Japanese is much more encouraged and participating with their local language.”
Let’s see! Ai will start by sharing the guide in a care house in Gifu prefecture and with her friend in Tokyo. But of course, with the help of social media… alot more is possible. If you have Japanese connections, please help share the news about the launch of our free, opensource, ecobrick guide.