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Notre comptabilité écologique
Divulgation publique des impacts annuels en plastique, carbone et biodiversité du GEA
Grey and green balance ecological accounting

Pursuant to our mandate as an Earth Enterprise, we track and disclose our ecological impacts. This way we (and you) can be sure that our net-impact is green.

Our 2022 Regen Report of our enterprise's previous year of ecological impacts is now published and publicly available! This includes an accounting of our carbon, plastic and biodiversity impacts.

Over 2021, the GEA's UK and Indonesian household bases increased their spacial support of biodiversity by 32% (268 m2) while hosting 152 species. We directly removed 1,472 kg of plastic through our trainer ecobricking. We also removed 4,448kg of CO2 from the biosphere through our trees, carbon offsetting and ecobricking carbon equivalency.

📥 Download our latest Regenerativity Report (PDF 1.2MB).

Regen Reporting Ecological Accounting

All Years

See all our Regen Reports

Access our reports from all years:

ecological accounting

Methods & Means

The principles, methodology & coeffecients behind our accounting.

Do your own Regen Reporting

To do our ecological accounting we use an enterprise catalyst account on the GoBrik platform. It allows us to track our plastic consumption and ecobricking each month. You can do so too!

Our Catalyst Program for keen green enterprises enables you to generate ecological impacts for your company or project. New tools for carbon and biodiversity accounting are being added for 2022.

🚀 Catalyst Program

Learn more about our free program & platform.

Une Alliance Mondiale d'écobriquage

Une Alliance Mondiale

Le Global Ecobrick Alliance (GEA) se consacre à l'accélération de la transition plastique en soutenons les fondements techniques et intellectuels du mouvementd'écobriquage.
ℹ️ À propos de nous
Ecological Accounting of grey and green impacts

Comptabilité écologique

La comptabilisation de nos impacts écologiques gris et verts est un élément clé de l'entreprise régénérative.

Le notre
Voyez notre comptabilisons
For-Earth Enterprise through eco bricking

D'une Éthique Terrestre

Les écobriques sont basées sur les cinq principes de l'exemple terrestre

📗 Résumé
Résumé de l'éthique ⇗