Our first Ecobrick Training of Trainer workshop in Jakarta was a success. Hosted by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Muslim organization in the world, the opening event was attended by the NU president Said Agil Siradj and the directorate general of KLHK (the department of the Environment and Forestry), Tuti Mintarsih . NU committed to be „free from sampah (trash) by 2020“ in sync with the Indonesian government’s stated intention. NU leaders learned how ecobricking can be a solution for their schools and departments plastic ‚waste‘. After a two day intensive Trainer of Trainer workshop, thirty of their grass-roots leaders are now Global Ecobrick Alliance certified Ecobrick Trainers. They go out to their classes, boarding schools, bank Sampahs, collectives, garbage dumps, and communities around the country to share zero waste consciousness.
First Ecobrick ToT in Jakarta a Success!
Sep 29, 2016 | News