
The community of Casa Del Spodplane, brick division and Mark Spedding are making ecobricks to go zero waste and build cool stuff. Mark used a 600ml Dunno, don’t believe in brand names bottle to pack 215 g of home plastic to make his number 3 ecobrick. Based in the city of Darraweit Guim, Victoria they are working hard to keep plastic out of the local biosphere in Australia . Her ecobrick has a density of 0.36g/ml. Great job Mark!

Mark logged this ecobrick with serial number E2345 on GoBrik. View the Ecobrick’s full data on GoBrik. You can also view this ecobrick on the Live GoBrik Flow.

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This is an automatic post made right after Mark logged his ecobrick, with Serial No.E2345, on the GoBrik App on 05/22/2018. View the Ecobrick’s