The Global Ecobrick Alliance is proud to announce the release of its first annual Regenerativity Report.

2020 Full GEA Regen Report

We’re proud to disclose our ecological impacts as an Enterprise for 2020. Click to download the full report.

Know as a Regen Report, this publicaly  accessible document provides a comprehensive accounting and disclosure for the GEA’s 2020 ecological impacts.  These impacts include the enterprise’s support of biodiversity, carbon accounting, plastic accounting and its statement of for-Earth enterprise.

«As an enterprise focused on ecological contribution we feel its our obligation to lead by example in tracking, accounting and disclosing our impacts.  Afterall, if we don’t know how our impacts balance out, how can be sure our work is actually green?»

— Russell Maier, GEA Principal

Highlights of the 2020 report include:

  • 29% of GEA operational space is open to biodiversity / 71% is human only
  • GEA spaces support 25 unique species (we expect this to increase once our UK base’s biodiversity accounting is added!)
  • The GEA generated 234 kg of plastic from products, services and operations
  • The GEA sequestered 355 kg ​of plastic through the ecobricking of our trainers
  • The GEA supported the ecobricking of 10,895​ kg of plastic
  • The GEA generated 5,290 Kg of CO2
  • The GEA supported the direct and equivalent sequestration of 35,006 Kg of CO2​.

You can access the full report here.

Links to the report are now prominently featured on the footer of and

Stay tuned!  Impact accounting and Regenerativity Reporting will be a key element of the new GEA Catalyst Program in 2022.